Category Archives: urban hobos

Lamp work beads, some of the pieces that go into our tin ornaments.

As we are creating bunches and bunches of tin ornaments for the holidays, I thought I would show you some of the pieces that go into our unique ornaments.

Lampworking is a type of glasswork that uses gas fueled torch to melt rods and tubes of clear and colored glass. Once in a molten state, artists will shape and blow using tools and hand movements.

Each bead is unique…although you might find the exact same bead color and all….they will not be exactly alike.

Many of our tin ornaments have unique “mini pieces of art” each different be it a lamp work bead, recycled charms from vintage pieces or other additional handmade “trinkets” to make each tin ornament unique and special.

Hope to see you at this seasons craft fair events!



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Urban Hobo is about “artful edibles” ….simple great goodness delivered in cool packaging. Great gifts at great prices for yourself or for someone special.

We are happy to speak with you regarding our cookies and caramels and customize your order for corporate gifts, events or something for yourself!

Our goal is to provide cool gifts that are handmade and unique and not pricey.

Be sure to check out our website

Look forward to hearing from you.

Shawn O’Hara-Smith
Urban Hobo


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What I’ve Learned by “Right-Sizing” My life

As I mentioned in my last blog…(Change is Coming) I wrote about this new chapter Juan and I will be entering in the coming weeks. I will be “spilling the beans” soon…I promise!
In the meantime, I wanted to share with you what I have learned over the last year and a half about living smaller, simpler and of course “right-sizing” our lives.
It started when Juan and I were thinking about moving into yet a larger home with only two dachshunds and a 31 year old parrot. Why did we need all that space? What were we trying to do? THEN…the economy took a turn for the worse which affected our business (Staffing).
I read two quotes that really hit me by Henry David Thoreau…. “Only have things of beauty or usefulness in your life”. Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”And this oneSell your clothes and your keep thoughts”. You always have your memories, but items get packed away and you only enjoy the memory.
This is what started this journey and has now taken new turns. Now, a quick view of what we’ve learned and when you see parts that are highlighted, they will take you to the blog I am referring to.
We’ve learned that bigger isn’t always better and some of our happiest times were when Juan and I were first married, living in a small apartment. Since we did not have the challenge of cleaning and maintaining a large space, we had time to do fun things with each other.
I learned that you spend your life accumulating stuff to only do what???Pack it away! Take out and dust off your beautiful dinnerware/china…use the sterling enjoy these pieces; don’t hide them in a box to only use a few occasions.
We’ve learned that a garage sale can turn two people that were so worried about getting rid of stuff into two greedy, commissioned driven sales hounds. We’ve learned that bigger isn’t always better and all the wants” in the world will not make you a better person nor change your social status.
We learned that when moving into a small space, it’s hard to go to many of the furniture stores and find sleek, fun furniture to fit in tiny rooms. (Of course today more stores are embracing small space living) Seek out and find vintage or retro stores that sell mid century modern furniture. Great pieces that fit in the small spaces you are trying to furnish and decorate. However, we did learn that in a small space you have to live a lot closer to everyone and IKEA is also a great place to find loft style stuff!
We’ve learned that 900 square feet is a huge piece of living space for so many others. We’ve learned that Facebook has been an awesome way to reach out to old school friends and have the opportunity to stay in touch and learn about their lives/families….and in my case get back in touch with a dear friend who has found paradise in a small beautiful beach cottage on the coast.
We’ve learned that if you spend the extra time, and in some cases, a little extra cash, you can find great organizational bins, boxes, dividers etc to make living in a small space easier.
(This is more about me than Juan) I’ve learned that no matter how much technology you have or love to work with….sometimes going Old School is the best way to enjoy an evening of bar-b-que and the love of a soul mate.
I was amazed…as well as Juan at how so many people in the world have started thinking the way we do. AND….at a much earlier start in life. We’ve learned that there are so many people dedicating themselves to talk about green products, clean technologies and social responsibility and live a sustainable life.
We’ve learned to incorporate some of our treasured items that we stored away into storage organizers. And to look at a room at what you plan to use it 90% of the time…not 10%…and amazed that there are so many wonderful products out there that can transform one room into three rooms.
Juan and I have learned that riding our bicycles to close destinations verses driving your car make a much more enjoyable adventure. That you enjoy the scenery much more pedaling by than driving. That by bicycling to may of our destinations is a great mental break as well as exercise and save on the gas.
For me…one of the neatest (I know …I just wrote the word and thought neatest? Okay Brady Bunch)….yes, I said one of the neatest things this whole experience has done has brought me and Juan into a new direction and adventure. A beginning of a new business…doing something I have always been passionate about and enjoy doing 24/7.
Whether it’s bicycling, building this new start up adventure and getting the opportunity to meet people face to face across the southwest, Juan and I will continue to enjoy a simpler lifestyle, promote “right-size” living and promote “Mom and Pop” business across the Southwest.
The journey continues…..


Love days like this….

Well, we are off on our morning adventure, welcoming the warmth of the rising sun on our cool faces.

Yes, as I’ve mentioned multiple times, bicycling is my exercise of choice. I really love heading out, challenge of hills and just a great way to release stress.

Juan and I are headed in a new direction and tying up loose ends for our next adventure. Soon I will announce our new website and where this adventure is taking us next.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend wherever you are.


Top "Clicks" For February

Wow…we are now in March! My Mom always said time flies…

I always like to start the first of the month revisiting the “Top Clicks” for last month. I am so excited and happy with all the views, responses and feedback you all provide.

There will be a lot of changes in the coming weeks…I’ll keep you posted. Until then, if you missed one of these posts…here they are.

I Am Addicted To Pinterest
Gotta LOVE Salted Caramel
A great day…
Happy Valentine’s Day
The Calm Before the Storm

Thanks again for stopping by for a spell and reading one of my posts….it certainly makes my day!


Greatest "CLICKS" for January

In case you might’ve missed something in the month of January…Here are the top greatest “clicks” for the first month of the New Year!

Here they are;

How can I have an office in such a small space?

What to do…What to do

Roses are Red…Violets are Blue…
Trends for 2012

Top Hits for December

Always and Urban Hobo

Please feel free to contact me anytime. I love all your ideas and comments.



My First Urban Hobo Cookie Event!

Urban Hobo-First “Small” Event!

In my last post…I was filling you in about the Valentine’s treats we are creating for that special someone in your life! (wink wink smiley face) Well, we are doing a small venue at our office complex. We have been very pleased at the response so far as many people know how much I LOVE creating fun and “kitchy” stuff being art or artful treats!

We are creating some cute heart tags along with our “Urban Hobo” ones with a loving sentiment.
To my Realtor friends…these are great gifts for your clients. We can create another “heart shaped” tag that reads “Unpack Your Home” Or “Unpack Welcome Home”. With the great packaging and the cost of $15.00 for two dozen cookies…it’s a special way to say thank you and not break the bank in doing so.

Hopefully it will be a great success…I’ll keep you posted on the results and let you know how I did. In the meantime, I am still taking orders to be shipped across the US…just send me an email or call 480-215-2329…I am happy to take your order and get it out to you pronto! (quickly)


Roses are Red…Violets are Blue…

Roses are red….Violets are blue…We’ve got a great Valentine’s gift (for purchase) for you!
Wow!!!! It seems like yesterday we were enjoying the Christmas Holiday Cheer. Now we are just about to hit February 14th, Valentine’s Day. The annual commemoration celebrating love and affection between two people! (Awww)

I know it can be “Very Commercialized”… Nothing says love like a diamond”…”Tell her you love her with a romantic dinner at this very expensive place”… Juan is pretty lucky in that sense. For me, being a couple and being my best friend is NOT about one day a year…it’s about the other 364 days of the year too. I much rather receive something sweet and simple as a handmade card or homemade anything. To me that comes from the heart!

In keeping with those same sentiments, Juan and I are making/baking/shaking away over the next couple of weeks for the Valentine holiday. We are creating our Urban Hobo bindle packs full of delicious cookies.
Bindle packs you ask? Bindle packs are a very big part of the Hobo life.  [A bindle pack is where hobos carried all their worldly possessions]

 Juan and I LOVE our product name “Urban Hobo”…URBAN for the love of city-close living and HOBO… for the true hobo held very high standards, values and ethics. If you saw our past post, “Urban Hobo Cookies are here”…I talked about the “Hobo Code” and how the hobo lived to a higher standard than the average traveler that lived on the streets.

We are in the process of creating our fun fabulous website filled with eclectic art and “artful” edibles. (wink wink smiley face) I’ll keep you posted and announce our launch date soon.

In the meantime…we are gearing up for the “heart filled” holiday and taking orders for our delectable cookies. You love peanut butter and white chocolate??/You’ll love these. AND they will come bundled in a bindle pack with your choice of kerchief. (Pink Paisley, light pink, white, shocking pink [not shown} and white)

Also we have created a heart tag with your choice of saying…1) I LOVE YOU… or 2) RUN AWAY WITH ME.

If you are interested in purchasing a hobo pack for your loved one, please contact me (listed below) with color choice of kerchief and tag and I can have it shipped to you quickly! The cost of a bindle pack is only $15.00 plus shipping. Your sweetheart will receive two dozen (sometimes we throw an extra cookie or two) in a bindle pack.

You can email me with some basic (kerchief color and tag preference) info and I will call you to get additional details. We do accept credit card payments (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover)!

We have other colors and black & white too

 Contact me! I would love to fill an order or two!

Shawn Smith


Upcoming Artist Equals Cool Furniture

Thinking back on the past…I LOVE the 1960’s and 1970’s style furniture. It had such style and “swankiness” about it. One piece I remember well is a “sweater chest” my father had. It had two sliding doors that opened up and had adjustable shelves for your cool sweaters. I loved when he would open up the sliding door and reveal what super cool style sweater he was pulling out for the day.

I feel at times that we have lost the art of “swankines” when it comes to furniture. Sometimes I feel we are just trying to get the basics accomplished…”Yup, this can hold a lot of stuff!” and call it good.
However, now there are wonderful new artist out that there that are trying to combine small space living, multi-purpose furniture and art all in one…and here is a great piece of furniture created by Edward Taylor that I keep seeing in FX The Business of Design, ICON, AnOffice Magazine, and most recently in Design Milk.

He calls it “The Show Off and it truly is a show piece. What a great way to combine some fun and organization plus “swankiness” in a beautiful piece of furniture. On his website it states…Iit’s quite unlike anything you’ll have ever seen before. What it represents is a new breed of furniture – one that refuses to comply with convention, or adhere to tradition – in order to give you, the user, exactly what you want.
Constructed from oak, walnut, laminate and ply, the Show-off provides the missing link between formal and informal clothing storage. Most at home in the hallway yet able to adapt to any given context, the Show-off is no ordinary cabinet. (taken from his website)

I have to admit…the main storage piece reminds me a lot of my father’s sweater chest….That right there had my attention. Yet the addition of the “tree style” stand really adds some fun and uniqueness to the piece.

I think this is a cool piece that would look great in any room! Be sure you check out his website.


How can I have an office in such a small space?

People often ask how I could possibly office out of my 900 sq ft home (along with Juan) without bumping into one another. Well…I know people that live in 400 square feet and work out of their home. It can be done with a little imagination and creativity.
First off, one can make an office space virtually anywhere in a home. Even if you do not have a dedicated room for an office, you can grab a tiny piece of real estate in your home and make it your company domain! (wink wink smiley face) Especially with technology….computers, tablets and TV’s can be placed anywhere in a room. No more need to get that “cable guy” out to add another line on a wall.


“Carving” out a space is easy….keeping it clean, organized and clutter free….well that can be a challenge at times especially in small spaces.
Today, we have manufactures that are dedicated to small space living and providing furniture that is multi-function and/or narrow to accommodate apartment style living. Here are some ideas that you should think about when creating your work space at home.
Dividing out your space….
Whether you have a small house, tiny cozy apartment or high rise loft, dividing a space to dedicate as an office is a great way to start. A great company called LOFTWall offers beautifully designed dividers for your home or office. Should you not have a room or four walls to surround you when working….how  about a LOFTWall divider to create your office environment and give you the feeling of a quiet space to accomplish your activities whether you are a stay-at-home OR working professional. For me…that ability to separate home life from work is helpful every time you need to “get to work” yet enjoy the comforts of home!

Murphy Desk Beds

 So you actually have an extra room OR you have some extra space…
For someone like me…I am always concerned about the ability to have overnight guests AND have space to work. However, how can I do both? The good people at Murphy Desk Beds can offer great solutions for your work/guests overnight needs!

Murphy Desk Beds

If you are searching for a twin, queen or king bed you will have numerous options plus a variety of finishes to accomplish those needs. A beautiful yet sturdy office desk by day and comfy cozy bed at night. Again for those wonderful people that have a 450 square foot home by the beach or some cool hip metro area….you can office during the day and have a place to sleep at night! A Murphy Desk Bed is a simple and cost effective solution that will have you set up in no time and ready to accomplish your 2012 goals!
Building furniture dedicated to small space living….
As I mentioned before in past blogs, more and more people are trying to simplify their lives and downsize their space. Juan and I made a decision to “right-size” our lives and find a space that works for us where we are not a slave to our home.
With a small space like we have, it didn’t make sense to bring in the Copenhagen square table that seats 8 people or the “Monster” of an office desk that would take up a room. We found many companies out there dedicated to small space living. IKEA, Crate and Barrel and CB2 are great places to seek out furniture to utilize in your tiny abode. (wink wink smile face)
Example here is from CB2. They have great options for desks that you can create a small working space anywhere in your home. Using furniture that is narrow, simple or even acrylic can give the illusion of more space. (With the acrylic, it is like having invisible furniture lol….I know I’m sorry)

Even these cool “table options” that can store your laptop easily or set up while watching your favorite TV shows….well there is no excuse now for getting out those emails or projects.


The great thing about building an office space in your small home is that you are not limited. AND….if yu are lucky to have a gifted carpenter like my Juan….well any design he sees at stores  or online he can copy and create for a lot less $$$$!
UPDATE: Juan and I have managed to clear more “STUFF” and clutter from our second room and have found a beautiful desk at IKEA as a start for our office. I will post the update next week.
If you have created a cool office space in your small space….I would love to see and share!