Category Archives: candies

What is an Urban Hobo

What is an Urban Hobo

For those that may not be familiar with “Hobos”, it may help to give you brief history.

The first recorded use of the term Hobo appeared in the Western U.S. around 1890. However, the Hobo movement begun much earlier, right after the end of the Civil War. It is not clear where the term Hobo originated. Some suggest the origins come from the farming term hoe-boy meaning “farmhand”. Others suggest that it comes from the railroad greeting Ho beau, or the syllabic abbreviation of homeward bound (i.e., HO BO). Essentially a Hobo was a migratory laborer, a wandering worker. Due to economic strife, it was necessary for many men to leave home in search of work. Hobos are closely associated to the railroad. As they moved across the country, the railroad was the preferred mode of transportation. Sooner or later hobos would return home to their families. Over time, the term hobo became synonymous with “Tramp” and “Bum”. Hobos were neither! The difference being that hobos travelled to work. Tramps travelled looking for handouts. They only worked when absolutely necessary. Bums seldom if ever travelled, and never worked. Hobos even developed a strict code of ethics which they lived by, something neither tramps or bums concerned themselves with. The code of ethics read as follows;

1. Decide your own life, don’t let another person run or rule you.
2. When in town, always respect the local law and officials, and try to be a gentleman at all times.
3. Don’t take advantage of someone who is in a vulnerable situation, locals or other hobos.
4. Always try to find work, even if temporary, and always seek out jobs nobody wants. By doing so you not only help a business along, but ensure employment should you return to that town again.
5. When no employment is available, make your own work by using your added talents at crafts.
6. Do not allow yourself to become a stupid drunk and set a bad example for locals’ treatment of other hobos.
7. When jungling (i.e., camping) in town, respect handouts, do not wear them out, another hobo will be coming along who will need them as bad, if not worse than you.
8. Always respect nature, do not leave garbage where you are jungling.
9. If in a community jungle, always pitch in and help.
10. Try to stay clean, and boil up wherever possible.
11. When traveling, ride your train respectfully, take no personal chances, cause no problems with the operating crew or host railroad, act like an extra crew member.
12. Do not cause problems in a train yard, another hobo will be coming along who will need passage through that yard.
13. Do not allow other hobos to molest children, expose all molesters to authorities, they are the worst garbage to infest any society.
14. Help all runaway children, and try to induce them to return home.
15. Help your fellow hobos whenever and wherever needed, you may need their help someday.
16. If present at a hobo court and you have testimony, give it. Whether for or against the accused, your voice counts!

Today, the term Hobo evokes a romantic image of someone who took charge of their own destiny and embraced their spirit of adventure. Someone who lived their own life by their own rules. Someone who followed their own path.

Urban Hobo pays tribute to the Hobo spirit by encouraging others to embrace their spirit of adventure by exploring their city, state or region. Embrace your own sense of style and taste. Live your own life. Choose your own path.



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Urban Hobo Hits the News

We hit the BIG TIME!!!! Urban Hobo made it to an online magazine. Wooooo Hoooo!!
Okay, I shouldn’t get so excited, but I can’t help it….I am.

It’s a great piece that speaks about how we got started and our journey to where we are today. If you are not from El Paso, you can check it out here

We are so thankful for the staff at 2310ScenicDr2310ScenicDr for posting our story.





Urban Hobo is about “artful edibles” ….simple great goodness delivered in cool packaging. Great gifts at great prices for yourself or for someone special.

We are happy to speak with you regarding our cookies and caramels and customize your order for corporate gifts, events or something for yourself!

Our goal is to provide cool gifts that are handmade and unique and not pricey.

Be sure to check out our website

Look forward to hearing from you.

Shawn O’Hara-Smith
Urban Hobo


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New Inventory at


Funky, Kitschy, Dia de Los Muertos

What a fun way to brighten your kitchen wall; add a “pop of color” in a small nook or any part of your home! They are small yet fun pieces of art that can be added anywhere without breaking the bank. We never knew how popular they would become, so we are going to continue adding more to the collection.

I was born and raised on the border and have always enjoyed the bright colors, history and culture of Mexican folk art. Juan and I try to capture that in our funky eclectic art. Simple, colorful….FUN!

If you are interested in any of these paintings, please email me They are easy to ship and if you are located in the El Paso area, I am happy to deliver! (smiley face)

Sarape Truck 11X 14 acrylic $35.00

VW Dia de Los Muertos 8X10 acrylic $25.00

Collage Folk Art 12X12 acrylic $30.00

I tried to take the best pictures, however, if you need additional info, photos, questions or comments, please email me

To see some of the sweet treats we deliver, be sure to head to our website Urban Hobo!


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The move is on!!!!

We’ve been spending the last several weeks getting rid of more STUFF and revamping our furnishings. We are getting ready for our next chapter …our road to adventure…our move to Texas.

It’s exciting because it has been quite some time since I lived in my hometown AND Juan as never lived in this part of the country. Juan LOVES the Southwest and has enjoyed our trips to Texas and New Mexico….he is a big lover of history and has always been fascinated with Billy the Kid.

I do have mixed emotions as I am leaving many of my family members whom I love so much! However, we are not far from one another and a quick hop on a plane or even a drive…will get us together quickly!

We are looking forward to trying new things and taking chances! I’m all about taking chances right now…or even a calculated risk. Life is too short and I do not wish to look back with regrets. If I fail miserably, well at least I had fun trying and learned how “NOT” to do something that way again. (wink wink smiley face)

Much different from last year, Juan and I are managing our STUFF much better, we are not ready to argue due to too much STUFF (yup word of the day), we are much more organized than ever before AND the best part is I am sitting here blogging while Juan is packing up the kitchen how cool is that! (smiley face, giggle now laughing and snort)

So join us this week for the Smith’s family move…..


Our Last Weekend of Bicycling in AZ

Juan and I are trying to soak up our last weekend of bike riding in Arizona. The orange blossoms seem to be extra fragrant today. Juan loves this time of year and I feel he is getting something extra special where everything is in bloom.

Juan and I are so excited in this next chapter in our lives. Life is so short and we plan to try to live and enjoy every minute of it.

So today…the weather is gorgeous, very light veil of clouds and my Juan by my side…life couldn’t be any better.



The Calm Before the Storm

Well….the weekend before Valentine’Day and Juan and I are slammed with cookie orders. (thank you all for purchasing)

Thank God I have a small house as it will take a short time to get it cleaned up and ready to Rock-N-Roll the kitchen in “sweet peanut buttery goodness”!!!!

Juan and I did get up early and headed out for a long bike ride. Have I mentioned how much I love bicycling? (wink wink smiley face)

So my calm…enjoying a long bike ride and some hot coffee….before my hectic weekend begins with baking.

However….I love doing this (baking and design) and can do it 24/7.

On a side note…anyone like chewy caramels, or caramel sauce? Well I am perfecting a recipe and hopefully it quill be a new addition to Urban Hobo.