Category Archives: small space living

El Paso, a wonderful place to explore!~Juan’s Perspective

As I mentioned awhile back, Juan and I relocated back to my hometown. Here is Juan’s perspective on our recent move and why El Paso is a great move for us. Urban Hobo is rapidly growing and can’t think of a better place to build this start-up fun company than here!

Shawn and I recently relocated to El Paso, TX from Phoenix, AZ (my hometown). For Shawn, the decision (and transition) was an easy one. Shawn was born and raised in El Paso and most of her close friends still live here. Since we’ve been married, we’ve visited at least once a year so I’ve had some exposure to the city and, an idea of what to expect.

When we informed every one of our plans, most of our friends and family (not living in El Paso) had the same initial reaction, “Why?” Some were downright scared, “It’s not safe!” “You’ll get shot by the Cartels in Juarez!” If you actually do some research (instead of believing the newspapers and tabloids), you’ll find that El Paso is one of the safest cities in the U.S. After analyzing the data myself, and comparing Phoenix to El Paso, it appears that only by the grace of God did we get out of Phoenix alive without becoming a crime statistic!(ha ha ha) And, El Paso has a VERY strong economy (the overall cost of living is much cheaper than Phoenix). Less crime, stronger economy, lower cost of living and much milder summertime temperatures! All positive reasons to live in El Paso.

Shawn is excited to be back and loves her home town. However, being familiar with the city she takes many things for granted. Conversely me being new to the city and region my perspective on things is slightly different. Furthermore, I’m an avid history buff. I’ve read a lot about the history of the area and have even had a chance to visit a number of historic sites within the region. Many of the sites where historic events took place that helped shape the state, the region and the Country, are within the city limits. Many more are a short car ride away. Besides the historically significant aspects, El Paso has so much more to offer. The culture is evident. Unlike many other Western/Southwestern areas, the culture in El Paso is alive! The Spanish, Mexican, and Southwestern influences are all around you. Not in a phony, tourist or commercial way. The city does not try to hide its heritage, rather it embraces it!

El Paso is a medium-sized city, but with a small town feel. It is also the largest border city in the world. El Paso is also home to Ft. Bliss (the Army’s second largest installation) drawing people from all over the United States. It is this cultural diversity that gives El Paso an energy that I’ve not found or experienced in other cities in the West/Southwest, Northwest or Pacific Islands. Something else I’ve noticed; the residents are much more polite and friendly. El Paso is the kind of city where quality of life is the number one priority.

As I settle in and learn more of my new home, I am finding that El Paso is not just a wonderful place to live; it’s also a wonderful place to explore!


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Change is Coming….

Well…a new chapter in my life will be here in the coming weeks. Juan and I are so excited about this new adventure and what new things we will discover together. I know I have posted a lot of info about “Urban Hobo (website coming REAL soon!) and it has taken me in a new direction in regards to my blogging.

I will be moving to a new blog within the week and hope you will “follow” me over to the new site. Although I am still a big believer of living simpler and “right-sizing” my life….I also wish to blog about local “Mom & Pop” haunts and great things to do locally and on a nationwide basis.

Of course I will be discussing my latest edible art creations and where Juan and I might be in the Southwest where you can visit with us and partake in some of our home baked goodies and eclectic art!

I wanted to take this time to express some of the things Juan and I have learned over the last 1 ½ years regarding… “putting what’s important in perspective“. I’ve learned that it isn’t the quantity of “Stuff” you have accumulated over the years….It’s the quantity and quality of friendships you have built. It’s not about the “status” level you’ve climbed but about the time and ability you give to others in need. It’s not about wearing a huge banner saying “Look at me and what I am doing” but about being there for others and doing whatever you can without recognition. It’s about truly finding what really matters in your life…the love of a spouse and the love and time you spend with your family and close friends. For me…“right-sizing” (I know my favorite word of the day) my life has helped me enjoy the simpler things in life and enjoy my family and friends more.

I hope that some, or even one, of my blogs have helped you in some way. I have received many emails about changes you’ve made and how much happier you are. I am so glad to always hear from you and hope to receive more input in my new blog.

Next….What I’ve learned by right-sizing My Life


Love days like this….

Well, we are off on our morning adventure, welcoming the warmth of the rising sun on our cool faces.

Yes, as I’ve mentioned multiple times, bicycling is my exercise of choice. I really love heading out, challenge of hills and just a great way to release stress.

Juan and I are headed in a new direction and tying up loose ends for our next adventure. Soon I will announce our new website and where this adventure is taking us next.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend wherever you are.


Top "Clicks" For February

Wow…we are now in March! My Mom always said time flies…

I always like to start the first of the month revisiting the “Top Clicks” for last month. I am so excited and happy with all the views, responses and feedback you all provide.

There will be a lot of changes in the coming weeks…I’ll keep you posted. Until then, if you missed one of these posts…here they are.

I Am Addicted To Pinterest
Gotta LOVE Salted Caramel
A great day…
Happy Valentine’s Day
The Calm Before the Storm

Thanks again for stopping by for a spell and reading one of my posts….it certainly makes my day!


The Calm Before the Storm

Well….the weekend before Valentine’Day and Juan and I are slammed with cookie orders. (thank you all for purchasing)

Thank God I have a small house as it will take a short time to get it cleaned up and ready to Rock-N-Roll the kitchen in “sweet peanut buttery goodness”!!!!

Juan and I did get up early and headed out for a long bike ride. Have I mentioned how much I love bicycling? (wink wink smiley face)

So my calm…enjoying a long bike ride and some hot coffee….before my hectic weekend begins with baking.

However….I love doing this (baking and design) and can do it 24/7.

On a side note…anyone like chewy caramels, or caramel sauce? Well I am perfecting a recipe and hopefully it quill be a new addition to Urban Hobo.


I Am Addicted To Pinterest

Yup! I’ll say it again….”My name is Shawn and I am a Pinterest addict”. My iphone battery life?… Never had to worry about since I make calls, a couple of text messages and some internet browsing, always had plenty of battery life. NOW…I am running my battery out, forever searching for my charger and any available plug! I know I know! I’ve got a problem! (wink wink smiley face)

Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard. It lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find in your life. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. (Taken from ipad app)

What is so great about this social site is the ability to view anything YOU want based on categories and eliminate much of the “drama” one sees on facebook and other social media sites.

Based on categories…you can look up “DIY and Crafts” or “Men or Women’s Style” or “Stuff for the Home”…even a “Technology” category. So you can sift through what you want to see. The cool thing is it brings up pictures that you might find cool or interesting…OR….a delicious recipe or a great way to organize/build a work desk…OR a wonderful place to visit!

Bottom line…you can enjoy a variety of things, “repin” the ones you love to your pinboard, AND add your own stuff too!

Since Juan and I have started our “Urban Hobo”, we’ve had the opportunity to add some of our “Art” and “Artful Edibles online. It’s exciting to see when someone “likes” your picture and even better…when someone “repins” your stuff.

You can get great ideas, learn something new or just enjoy the beautiful scenery someone has captured on film!

So be sure you check it out..Pinterest. I’m sure if you follow me, I will be adding new stuff I find on my pinboard. Oooppps there goes my battery again. I guess I should get on my laptop. (wink wink smiley face)

Anyone else addicted to Pinterest? Have you found some neat ideas especially for storage or organization? Please write to me…I would love to hear! You can email me or post a comment either way, would love some input.


A good, HOT cup of coffee can change your attitude!

Well…it’s a chilly Sunday Morning bicycle ride. I know…we are a bunch of “pansies” (living in Phoenix AZ) complaining about the cold when I have family and friends freezing in the Northwest and of coarse the East Coast.

However, Juan and I are on our bicycles early this morning and needless to say my hands are frozen by the time we reached out destination “Lola’s Coffee House”. I wrapped my popsicle fingers around that warm cup of happiness and instantly my mood changed. (wink wink smiley face)

CHANGE is my New Year’s resolution word. It can mean so much for so many and yet can accomplish all my goals with that one six-letter word.

I have read several articles regarding one word goals. So I chose “change” because this year…for me… It’s about change. In the coming months, Juan and I are really going to make some BIG changes in almost every aspect of our lives. (I’ll keep you posted)

For me the word change is perfect. CHANGE my eating habits to have a healthier body, CHANGE my exercise regime to make it a part of my life, CHANGE my attitude towards things in my life and how I react, CHANGE my professional direction….CHANGE!

So…Juan and I will sit here a little longer…warm up, enjoy the hip downtown sites and head back out on our bicycles.

Happy Weekend Everyone!


How can I have an office in such a small space?

People often ask how I could possibly office out of my 900 sq ft home (along with Juan) without bumping into one another. Well…I know people that live in 400 square feet and work out of their home. It can be done with a little imagination and creativity.
First off, one can make an office space virtually anywhere in a home. Even if you do not have a dedicated room for an office, you can grab a tiny piece of real estate in your home and make it your company domain! (wink wink smiley face) Especially with technology….computers, tablets and TV’s can be placed anywhere in a room. No more need to get that “cable guy” out to add another line on a wall.


“Carving” out a space is easy….keeping it clean, organized and clutter free….well that can be a challenge at times especially in small spaces.
Today, we have manufactures that are dedicated to small space living and providing furniture that is multi-function and/or narrow to accommodate apartment style living. Here are some ideas that you should think about when creating your work space at home.
Dividing out your space….
Whether you have a small house, tiny cozy apartment or high rise loft, dividing a space to dedicate as an office is a great way to start. A great company called LOFTWall offers beautifully designed dividers for your home or office. Should you not have a room or four walls to surround you when working….how  about a LOFTWall divider to create your office environment and give you the feeling of a quiet space to accomplish your activities whether you are a stay-at-home OR working professional. For me…that ability to separate home life from work is helpful every time you need to “get to work” yet enjoy the comforts of home!

Murphy Desk Beds

 So you actually have an extra room OR you have some extra space…
For someone like me…I am always concerned about the ability to have overnight guests AND have space to work. However, how can I do both? The good people at Murphy Desk Beds can offer great solutions for your work/guests overnight needs!

Murphy Desk Beds

If you are searching for a twin, queen or king bed you will have numerous options plus a variety of finishes to accomplish those needs. A beautiful yet sturdy office desk by day and comfy cozy bed at night. Again for those wonderful people that have a 450 square foot home by the beach or some cool hip metro area….you can office during the day and have a place to sleep at night! A Murphy Desk Bed is a simple and cost effective solution that will have you set up in no time and ready to accomplish your 2012 goals!
Building furniture dedicated to small space living….
As I mentioned before in past blogs, more and more people are trying to simplify their lives and downsize their space. Juan and I made a decision to “right-size” our lives and find a space that works for us where we are not a slave to our home.
With a small space like we have, it didn’t make sense to bring in the Copenhagen square table that seats 8 people or the “Monster” of an office desk that would take up a room. We found many companies out there dedicated to small space living. IKEA, Crate and Barrel and CB2 are great places to seek out furniture to utilize in your tiny abode. (wink wink smile face)
Example here is from CB2. They have great options for desks that you can create a small working space anywhere in your home. Using furniture that is narrow, simple or even acrylic can give the illusion of more space. (With the acrylic, it is like having invisible furniture lol….I know I’m sorry)

Even these cool “table options” that can store your laptop easily or set up while watching your favorite TV shows….well there is no excuse now for getting out those emails or projects.


The great thing about building an office space in your small home is that you are not limited. AND….if yu are lucky to have a gifted carpenter like my Juan….well any design he sees at stores  or online he can copy and create for a lot less $$$$!
UPDATE: Juan and I have managed to clear more “STUFF” and clutter from our second room and have found a beautiful desk at IKEA as a start for our office. I will post the update next week.
If you have created a cool office space in your small space….I would love to see and share!


Always an Urban Hobo!

Just a quick post to tell you (again and again and again) how much Juan and I LOVE bicycling.

What a great way to get around your neighborhood and patron your local businesses.

2012 is the year to give back to your community and shop local. Juan and I are doing our best to do so and we will continue to share our latest adventures and great finds.

Have a local business you’d like to share? Give me a shout…I’d be happy to share.
